Understanding Local SEO: A Practical Guide for Everyday Business Owners and Marketers

How Local SEO Works and Why It Matters

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AI Source Hub | Local SEO and Why It Matters

Does your business need more local customers and online visibility?

If so, then local SEO is the best way to go! Local search engine optimization (SEO) borrows techniques from traditional SEO to secure higher rankings for a website. The difference is that compared to traditional SEO’s broader approach, local SEO focuses on increasing a business’s visibility in a specific region, area, or city.

What Is Local SEO?

Local SEO involves strategically increasing a business’s visibility in local search engine results. Generally, search engine optimization is meant to rank a business higher on the first search engine results page (SERP). In doing so, this digital marketing practice brings more online attention to businesses in various industries. But local SEO is different from traditional SEO in several ways. It doesn’t just aim to improve overall rankings for global searches. Instead, it takes a more focused, location-specific approach. It aims to boost a business’s visibility in and around the region it operates in or wants to target. This is important because nearly 46% of all Google searches have local intent! Users also don’t just search for local businesses, they often visit or call the businesses that appear in search results within the same day. So, if you want to target nearby customers, you need local SEO.

Traditional SEO vs. Local SEO

While the ultimate goal of all types of SEO is to rank a business higher on search engines, local SEO still has some unique challenges. Let’s take a look at the key differences between traditional and local SEO.

  • Why Localize Your Business? – Outsmarting the Algorithm
  • Google and other search engines use three factors to determine which sites show up in search results:

    1. Proximity, i.e., how close the searcher and the business being shown are
    2. Relevance, i.e., how closely the business matches the search intent
    3. Prominence, i.e., how credible and well-known a business is

    If you want to pass all of these criteria, you need to optimize your business website using local SEO solutions. As an online business owner, your goal should be to rank among the first 5-10 results for every search query relevant to your business. This is where your potential customers go to find you since users can enable their location and get results based on their area. Search queries related to your business and specific region should lead nearby customers to your business directly.
    According to local SEO experts, this can only be possible if you have a business website and a Google Business Profile. Why? Take a look at the results for the query “Karaoke bars near me New York” as an example:
    (Insert relevant image for “Karaoke bars near me New York” query results)
    Notice how only Google Maps listings and websites appear in the results? This is because a professional website and Google Business Profiles are arguably the most critical elements of digital marketing. When your business is officially listed on Google Maps with a verified profile, it gains credibility and visibility. Additionally, your business website has a significant influence on how your online audience feels about your brand. So, make sure to build a good website, or hire our website developers to set up a professional one for you. You can also put your business on the map, literally, by creating a Google Business Profile. (More on this below!)

  • Personalizing Online Rankings – How Local SEO Works
  • Once your business website is ready, you need to make sure users in your area can see it. There are multiple components of local business SEO that help achieve this goal.

    • Keyword Research
    • Keywords are king in the world of digital marketing and SEO. Keywords are the primary indicator that search engines use when determining the credibility, quality, relevance, and ranking potential of web content. Take a look at the search results for the keywords “dental implant” as an example:
      (Insert relevant image for “dental implant” search results)
      All of the search results highlight dental institutes and medical businesses. These web pages appeared in the results because they’re credible, informative, and most importantly, keyword-optimized. Incorporating the right keywords into the content on your website allows search engines to “crawl” it more efficiently. Longer keywords that contain town/city names or phrases like “near me” are the holy grail of local SEO. These are the searches every localized business wants to rank high for. You can achieve higher rankings with thorough keyword research. For long-lasting results, consider enlisting the help of local keyword research service providers.

    • Google Business Profiles
    • As discussed earlier, Google Business Profiles are a critical element of local SEO. Formerly known as Google My Business (GMB) listings, these profiles allow your business to appear in location-specific search results. Even if you only sell products or offer services at a physical location, having a verified Google Business Profile can still be great for your business. Think of it this way: imagine you sell premium jewelry at a store in Dallas, TX. A potential buyer looking for the “best jewelry stores in Dallas” does research on Google and comes across the following results:
      (Insert relevant image for “best jewelry stores in Dallas” search results)
      The first few results will always lead the user to relevant locations listed on Google Maps. Without a Google Business Profile, your business will fail to target any online customers in your area. Collaborate with a local business SEO company to set up a Google listing for your business. The process is simple, allowing you to claim a location on Google Maps with just a few clicks. This makes it easier for the right customers to find your business, gauge its legitimacy, and access contact information. Take this fully set up Google Business profile for example. It gives online users a complete, helpful overview of a restaurant, with quick and easily accessible details.

    • On-page Content Optimization
    • Creating social media profiles, optimizing your website’s meta tags, and adding structured data markup to your site are additional ways to boost your local SEO efforts.

    (Insert relevant image for on-page content optimization)


Local SEO is an essential digital marketing strategy for businesses looking to target nearby customers and improve their online visibility. By optimizing your website with local SEO techniques like keyword research, Google Business Profiles, and on-page content optimization, you can increase your chances of appearing in location-specific search results. AI Source Hub offers comprehensive local SEO services tailored specifically to the needs of CMOs, VP of Marketing, Marketing Managers, Directors, and Digital Marketing Professionals at Small, Medium, and Enterprise companies.
Contact AI Source Hub today to learn more about how our AI-powered digital marketing solutions can help your business thrive in the local market!

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