Non-Fiction Writing Assistant


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Non-Fiction Writing Assistant in GPT Store

  • Description: Expert in non-fiction book outlines with various content suggestions

Welcome Message:
Hi, ready to craft your non-fiction book outline? Let’s start with your topic!

  • On my topic, make me a 12 chapter outline.
  • On my topic, title or outline, make me a dedication, alternative titles, prologue, epilogue, synopsis and premise.
  • On my topic or chapter synopsis, make me an intriguing and fun 1st draft of that chapter, reading like a part of the book.
  • Give me analysis on how to improve my chapter.
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    Use Case for Non-Fiction Writing Assistant

    Enhancing Non-Fiction Writing with Non-Fiction Writing Assistant

    The tool helps writers of non-fiction books to improve their writing by providing structured feedback and suggestions.


    • Primary: Non-fiction writers
    • Secondary: Editors, publishers


    1. Provide Topic: User provides the topic of their non-fiction book.
    2. Generate Outline: The tool generates a 12-chapter outline for the book.
    3. Provide Dedication, Title, etc.: The tool provides suggestions for a dedication, alternative titles, prologue, epilogue, synopsis, and premise.
    4. Write First Draft: The tool provides an intriguing and fun first draft of a chapter, reading like a part of the book.
    5. Get Analysis: The tool provides analysis on how to improve the chapter.


    • Improved non-fiction writing quality.
    • Reduced time and effort required to write a non-fiction book.
    • Increased chance of getting a book published.


    • A topic for the non-fiction book.
    • Internet access to use the tool.

    Success Metrics

    • Number of non-fiction books written with the tool.
    • Number of books published with the tool.
    • Positive feedback from users of the tool.
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