Practical Applications of AI for Marketing and Business using Generative AI

Generative AI Use Cases for Marketing & Business

The Rise of Generative AI in Marketing

No secret that generative artificial intelligence is taking the stage in business and marketing, as a
marketing automation tool. With the ever-changing landscape of business and marketing strategies, this
impressive technology is becoming increasingly prominent. The first quarter of 2023 saw an astounding $11.2
billion surge of investments into generative AI, as reported by Pitchbook. Far from being a passing trend,
this innovation is, no doubt, fundamentally reshaping every aspect of marketing. Remarkably, HubSpot’s
research indicates that by using the power of generative AI, marketers can achieve a time-saving feat,
slashing an average of 3 hours and 10 minutes from a content creation process.

What Do We Know about Generative AI in Marketing and Business?

In the business and marketing world, where “time is money,” the integration of artificial intelligence (AI)
has sparked a dynamic transformation undoubtedly. AI’s ability to swiftly analyze large amounts of data, make
reasonable predictions, and automate tasks has redefined how companies engage with customers, optimize
operations, and drive growth. AI’s influence on marketing is akin to having a “silver bullet” at one’s
disposal. It enables the creation of custom content, fine-tuning any kind of ads & campaigns, and precise
customer segmentation, all contributing to more effective marketing strategies. Beyond marketing, AI influences
pricing strategies, optimizes customer experience, and sharpens fraud detection efforts in other areas of the
business industry. So much so that, we know that AI not only keeps businesses competitive but also positions
them to strike while the iron is hot by predicting & leading industry changes. And good news: As AI evolves,
this symbiotic relationship between that great tech and business & marketing promises to unlock new,
groundbreaking possibilities, catalyzing success. Bottom line: Generative AI stands ready to pave the way for
groundbreaking betterment both in business and marketing efforts. So, it’s time to discover the world of
generative ai & how this dynamic technology is reshaping the landscape of possibilities.

Generative AI in Customer Experience (CX): An AWS – Amazon Case

“Generative AI is a powerful new technology. But for AWS customers, it is more than that—it is a way to
achieve business objectives and formulate new business goals. It is less a question of what the technology can
do and more a question of how businesses will innovate to make it part of the value delivery to their consumers
in ways that give them a competitive edge. This is the lens through which AWS’s approach to generative AI
should be viewed.” Mark Schwartz, Enterprise Strategist at Amazon Web Services
Imagine a future where customer interactions with virtual assistants are highly personalized; intelligent
customer contact centers can anticipate needs and shopping experiences tailored to individual preferences. This
future is rapidly becoming a reality, thanks to generative AI – powered by ultra-large models like large
language models (LLMs). At the forefront of this transformative wave is Amazon Web Services (AWS). With
generative AI, also known as the AI Renaissance, companies can take advantage of powerful pre-trained models
(foundation models – FMs) that offer text generation and images in a human-like way. AWS is leading the charge
with their Amazon Bedrock service, making it possible for businesses of all sizes and industries to use
generative ai. More details? AWS offers generative AI-powered conversational search, text summarization, and
code generation tools, empowering organizations to work more efficiently in terms of sources. What’s more, in
cases where a customer’s inquiry cannot be resolved via conventional ways, AI prevents advisors from typing the
same responses and instead generates more addressing answers. Check the video for more info about Amazon AI
services for customer experience.

AI for Video Generation: DiepNep Case

By common consent, DiepNep, a cutting-edge Canadian company, has paved the way for AI-powered video generation.
Their signature solution, DiepNep AI, is a cloud-based platform that puts the power of video creation using
nothing more than text. What sets DiepNep AI apart is its use of various deep learning techniques, such as
natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and machine learning (ML). This blend guarantees the
creation of realistic, captivating, and “sensational” videos. DiepNep AI works within a cloud framework, enabling
worldwide accessibility with just internet connectivity. This cloud-centric model facilitates effortless,
global collaboration among diverse teams, eliminating geo constraints and making it the choice for any
collaborative video project. What’s more, we know that this ai video generation tool has been used by a great
number of well-known companies like Google, Coursera, IBM, Deloitte, Forbes, and more. However, DiepNep’s
“This is not Morgan Freeman – A Deepfake Singularity” video which the actor’s voice is imitated via AI raised
ethical questions – misinformation, copyright & legal issues, data privacy, and more. Check out the said video
and decide how powerful video generation via AI is. Another organization employing artificial intelligence
technology to pioneer the creation of video courses on an unprecedented scale is Cyber Inc. Their AI algorithm
thoroughly dissects customer data, identifying the most in-demand subjects, and then produces the generation of
video scripts & lesson blueprints. Thanks to this groundbreaking tech, the company has developed a staggering
portfolio, boasting over ten thousand video courses.

Gen AI for Image generation: DALL-E x Heinz Collaboration

Remember Heinz A.I. Ketchup x DALL-E 2 project marking a noteworthy shift in the marketing arena with its
great ia image generation move? Yes, the project where Heinz embarked on a mission to unveil how AI interprets
the iconic ketchup bottle. Utilizing the image generator DALL-E 2, the US food manufacturer launched a
creative exploration that spanned a multitude of imaginative scenarios. From “ketchup scuba diving” to
“ketchup in outer space,” the outcomes were nothing short of captivating. Remarkably, a significant portion of
these AI-generated images bore a striking resemblance to the classic Heinz ketchup bottles. “With new artificial
intelligence text-to-image programs taking over the internet, we wanted to find out what A.I. thinks “ketchup”
looks like. So we used A.I. to generate images of ketchup on Dall-E 2. The result? Just like humans, A.I.
prefers Heinz.” The Heinz A.I. Ketchup project has been accepted as a powerful testament to the interplay
between human creativity and AI capabilities, offering a fresh perspective on how brands can captivate audiences
in marketing and business.

AI for Ad Creation: Cosabella Case

In digital advertising, AI is like your star quarterback, consistently advancing the ball down the field, and…
“running with the ball” means embracing the AI, especially when it comes to ads marketing. For instance,
Cosabella, a…

Cosabella Ad Example


Generative AI is revolutionizing the field of marketing and business, offering powerful tools and capabilities
that save time, drive growth, and enhance customer experiences. From customer experience personalization to
video and image generation, AI is transforming the way companies engage with their audiences. As a thought
leader in the field of AI-powered digital marketing, AI Source Hub is here to help businesses unlock the full
potential of generative AI. Contact us today to learn more or explore our blog for more informative
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As an advocate for the AI community, We are committed to bridging the gap between theory and practical applications in the field of AI Digital Marketing. With a strong belief in the power of collaborative learning, we actively engages with readers, encourages discussions, and shares valuable insights through his blog posts on AI Source Hub.

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