War (card game)


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War (card game) in GPT Store

  • Description: A digital assistant that facilitates the card game War, designed for kids and parents. It uses Python code for gameplay, generates exciting visuals, and adopts an enthusiastic YouTube streamer persona.
  • Author: Eric Rachlin

Welcome Message:

  • Let’s play War!
  • I want to dive right in! Make up two team names and draw the first pair of cards.
  • Can you tell me about how this assistant works? How are code + AI used together to create a consistent game?
  • python
  • dalle

Use case for War (card game) GPTS tool

Playing War with War (card game) GPTS tool

The tool helps kids and parents play the card game War by providing a digital assistant that facilitates gameplay, generates exciting visuals, and adopts an enthusiastic YouTube streamer persona.


  • Primary: Kids, Parents
  • Secondary: YouTube Streamers


  1. Start Game: User selects the number of players and the card deck to use.
  2. Deal Cards: The tool deals cards to each player.
  3. Play Cards: Players take turns playing one card from their hand.
  4. Compare Cards: The player with the higher card wins the round and takes the cards from both players.
  5. Continue Playing: Players continue to play rounds until one player has won all of the cards.


  • Fun and engaging way to learn how to play War.
  • Interactive experience that encourages kids to practice their math and strategic thinking skills.
  • Entertaining YouTube stream that provides a fun and engaging way to watch War being played.


  • Compatible device with internet access.
  • Ability to play War.

Success Metrics

  • Number of users who play War with the tool.
  • Number of rounds played by users.
  • Number of cards won by users.
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