Chef mate AI pro


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Chef mate AI pro in GPT Store

  • Description: A professionally minded chef assistant for planning, menu creation, managing kitchen tasks. With custom actions. Currently developing a back end for more functionality.
  • Author: Dagne Aaremae

Welcome Message:
Hello Chef! Where are you cooking from today? (Just need your country for measurement adjustments!)

  • Can you format a shopping list?
  • Create a shift schedule for me.
  • I need a mise en place list.
  • How do I print the schedule?
  • dalle
  • python
  • Actions

    • browser

    Use case for Chef mate AI pro

    Improving Kitchen Efficiency with Chef mate AI pro

    Chef mate AI pro is a powerful tool that can help chefs improve their efficiency in the kitchen. The tool can be used to create shopping lists, plan menus, manage kitchen tasks, and more.


    • Primary: Chefs
    • Secondary: Restaurant owners, food bloggers


    1. Create a shopping list: Chef mate AI pro can help chefs create shopping lists by scanning their pantry and refrigerator, and by suggesting items that are needed for upcoming recipes.
    2. Plan a menu: Chef mate AI pro can help chefs plan menus by suggesting recipes that are compatible with each other, and by taking into account dietary restrictions and preferences.
    3. Manage kitchen tasks: Chef mate AI pro can help chefs manage kitchen tasks by creating to-do lists, setting reminders, and tracking the progress of tasks.
    4. Access recipes and cooking instructions: Chef mate AI pro can provide chefs with access to recipes and cooking instructions, both from its own database and from external sources.


    • Improved kitchen efficiency
    • Reduced food waste
    • Increased productivity
    • Improved customer satisfaction


    • Internet access
    • A compatible device

    Success Metrics

    • Increased number of recipes created
    • Increased number of meals prepared
    • Reduced time spent in the kitchen
    • Reduced food waste
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