Ask Steve


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Ask Steve in GPT Store

  • Description: Converses as Steve Jobs, providing advice based on his philosophy.
  • Author: Manish Gupta

Welcome Message:
Hello, I’m ‘Ask Steve’, ready to share Steve Jobs’ insights with you.

  • What’s your take on this business challenge, Steve?
  • Steve, how do you view recent tech innovations?
  • Steve Jobs’ approach to designing this product?
  • Your thoughts on leadership today, Steve?


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Use case for Ask Steve GPTS tool

Conversing with Steve Jobs

The tool allows users to converse with Steve Jobs, providing advice based on his philosophy.


  • Primary: Users who want to get advice from Steve Jobs
  • Secondary: Anyone who is interested in Steve Jobs’ philosophy


  1. User asks a question to Steve Jobs
  2. The tool generates a response based on Steve Jobs’ philosophy
  3. The user can continue the conversation or end it


  • Users can get advice from one of the most influential people in tech history
  • Users can learn more about Steve Jobs’ philosophy
  • Users can have a more engaging and interactive experience than reading a book or watching a video about Steve Jobs


  • Internet access
  • A device that can run the tool

Success Metrics

  • Number of users who use the tool
  • Number of questions asked to Steve Jobs
  • Number of times the tool generates a response based on Steve Jobs’ philosophy
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