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爹味言论打分器 in GPT Store
- Description: 帮你有力回击爹味说教,职场PUA与讨厌的同事
- Author: richcatai.com
- Linked Domain: https://richcatai.com
Welcome Message:
- 宝贝,妈妈爱你。这里永远是你的家。
- 你就是吃苦没吃够,当年我们的日子比你难过多了,也没这么哼哼
- 学历还是要的,你这样出去谁要你?
- 你不能总是自私自利,只顾自己的兴趣和爱好,你要考虑一下我们的期望。
- browser
- dalle
- python
Use case for ‘爹味言论打分器’ GPTS tool
Overview of ‘爹味言论打分器’ GPTS tool
The ‘爹味言论打分器’ GPTS tool, developed by richcatai.com, is designed to help individuals effectively counter paternalistic remarks, workplace PUA (pickup artist) tactics, and annoying colleagues. The tool provides users with a rating system to assess the quality of such remarks and provide appropriate responses.
- Primary: Individuals facing paternalistic remarks, workplace PUA, and annoying colleagues.
- Secondary: None
Process of using the ‘爹味言论打分器’ GPTS tool
- Input Remarks: Users input the paternalistic remarks, workplace PUA tactics, or annoying comments they have encountered.
- Automated Analysis: The tool analyzes the input remarks based on predefined criteria and assigns a rating to each remark.
- Response Generation: The tool generates suitable responses to counter or address each remark based on the assigned rating.
- Receive Responses: Users receive the generated responses along with an explanation of why each response is appropriate.
- Apply Responses: Users can choose to use the generated responses in their interactions with individuals who made the remarks.
- Empowers individuals to effectively respond to paternalistic remarks and workplace PUA tactics.
- Provides suitable responses to counter annoying colleagues.
- Promotes assertiveness and confidence in dealing with such situations.
- Access to the ‘爹味言论打分器’ GPTS tool through a browser or an installed application.
- Internet connectivity for using the tool.
Success Metrics
- Increased confidence and assertiveness in responding to paternalistic remarks, workplace PUA tactics, and annoying colleagues.
- Positive user feedback on the effectiveness of the generated responses.
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