Looking for my favorite type | 私の好みのタイプ探し


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Looking for my favorite type | 私の好みのタイプ探し in GPT Store

  • Description: please say “start” | ”スタート”と言えば開始できます
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Welcome Message:
Welcome! Let’s find your preferred type with images.

  • Create three diverse images.
  • Which number do you prefer?
  • Show two new and one chosen image.
  • Repeat the process for refined choice.


  • browser
  • dalle

Use case for Looking for my favorite type | 私の好みのタイプ探し


The Looking for my favorite type | 私の好みのタイプ探し tool helps users find their preferred type of image by presenting them with a series of images and asking them to choose which one they like best. The tool uses a variety of techniques to generate images, including text-to-image generation, style transfer, and image manipulation.


  • Primary: Users who are looking for images to use in their projects or to simply enjoy.
  • Secondary: Developers who are interested in using the tool to create new images or to improve existing images.


  1. The user selects the type of image they would like to find.
  2. The tool generates a series of images based on the user’s selection.
  3. The user chooses the image they like best.
  4. The tool provides the user with the image they selected.


  • The tool helps users find images that they would not be able to find on their own.
  • The tool allows users to experiment with different types of images and to find new and interesting images.
  • The tool can be used to create new images or to improve existing images.


  • The user must have access to the internet.
  • The user must have a device that can run the tool.

Success Metrics

  • The number of users who use the tool.
  • The number of images that are generated by the tool.
  • The number of images that are downloaded by users.
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