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heer❤ in GPT Store

  • Description: 寻找你的“正缘”为未来伴侣画像吧
  • Author: 甘甜

Welcome Message:

  • 根据塔罗牌的占卜结果,生成我的未来伴侣画像
  • 寻找我的正缘,他什么模样,何时会出现?
  • dalle
  • Actions

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    Use case for ‘heer❤’ GPTS tool

    Finding your “zhenyuan” (soulmate) with ‘heer❤’

    The ‘heer❤’ GPTS tool uses artificial intelligence to generate a personalized portrait of your future soulmate. The tool is based on the principles of tarot card reading and uses your answers to a series of questions to create a unique and individualized portrait of your ideal partner.


    • Primary: Users who are interested in finding their soulmate
    • Secondary: Tarot card readers


    1. User visits the ‘heer❤’ website and clicks on the “Find your soulmate” button.
    2. User answers a series of questions about their personality, preferences, and goals in a relationship.
    3. The ‘heer❤’ tool uses the user’s answers to generate a personalized portrait of their future soulmate.
    4. The user is presented with the portrait and can share it with friends and family.


    • The ‘heer❤’ tool can help users to:
      • Gain a better understanding of their ideal partner
      • Identify the qualities they are looking for in a relationship
      • Attract their soulmate into their life


    • The user must be able to provide accurate and complete information about their personality, preferences, and goals in a relationship.
    • The user must be willing to accept the results of the ‘heer❤’ tool, even if they are not what they were expecting.

    Success Metrics

    • The ‘heer❤’ tool can be considered a success if it helps users to:
      • Attract their soulmate into their life
      • Create a more fulfilling and satisfying relationship
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